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43. Grateful, handled towards queen; cp. «High-and-mighty,» iv. 7. 43; thus delight your, considering it is compliant to you personally.

forty two. bestow our selves, put our selves where we shall getting unseen; cp. 1. 33, above; Read on, boost your own sight on like learning.

forty-five, 6. That demonstrate . loneliness, the look of the are filled like that have a tendency to account to you personally getting right here on it’s own.

46-9. We have been . himself, the audience is commonly responsible, – because the only also prominent experience suggests, – off coating more our aim, vile just like the devil themselves, with looks out of sanctity and you may pious serves; having sugar o’er, cp. we. H. IV. we. step 3. 251, «As to the reasons, exactly what a candy deal out-of thanks to The newest fawning greyhound after that did proffer me personally!» and less than, iii. 1. 156, iii. 2. 65.

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51. beautified . ways, and therefore owes its beauty to rouge, etcetera., cp. Cymb. iii. cuatro. 51, 2, «Some jay out of Italy Whose mommy try the girl painting.»

52. Isn’t . they, isn’t much more ugly when comparing to the object to which they owes the charm; cp. Macb. iii. 4. 64, «0, these flaws and you will initiate Impostors so you can genuine fear.»

53. Than try . term, than simply is actually my methods in comparison with the latest specious code from inside the that we dress them up; very decorated, thickly plastered more than that have specious terms; action will not reference the deed off murdering their aunt, but to his base procedures fundamentally.

59. a sea from difficulties, of many users was in fact authored on the brand new incongruity regarding taking fingers against a sea, but a-sea away from troubles is a very common phrase in other dialects along with English to have a host, immensity, regarding trouble, as well as the blend of metaphors is not higher than in several verses of Shakespeare; not much deeper, such as, compared to «musical away from his honey vows,» step 1. 156 less than.

61. Don’t, we.e. having passing is nothing more a sleep; to express i end, in order to guarantee ourselves we therefore put an end to, an such like.

65. there is the latest wipe, there is the problem; if we will be slightly sure death is actually a good dreamless sleep, we want to not need to have any doubt on experiencing they; rub, obstacle; a beneficial metaphor in the game regarding bowls; cp. K. J. iii. iv. 128, «the fresh inhale away from what i mean to dicuss Should blow for each dirt, for every single straw, per little wipe From the road»: H. V. ii. dos. 188, «For each rub try smoothed toward our very own way.»

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66-8. To possess from inside the . stop, to your question with what desires can come for the reason that bed regarding death, as soon as we provides put off which encumbrance of one’s human anatomy («so it dirty vesture out of decay,» M. step 1. 64), need to force us to forget when it comes to practical question out-of suicide; whether or not coil try somewhere else utilized by Shakespeare because = chaos, tumult, and might right here are you to definitely meaning along with, the language shuffled away from frequently show that the primary idea is regarding a scarf hindering independence from step.

68, 9. you will find the value . lifetime, for the reason that lays new believe that produces misfortune such a long time-lived; if it just weren’t for that consideration, we want to rapidly end calamity because of the stop our very own lives.

70. new whips . day, the newest punches and you can flouts that one is open within this life; here date is apparently opposed to eternity, like in Macb. we. seven. 6, «When the . one but that it strike May be the be-all the and end-all right here. But here upon so it bank and shoal of energy We’ld dive the country in the future»; and the whips and you will scorns is a general term to own the newest particulars in the next four contours, «the newest oppressor’s completely wrong,» «‘the law’s impede,» «the brand new insolence off workplace,» coming underneath the head off whips, and you will «the fresh new pleased mans contumely,» «the brand new pangs away from despised love,» and you may «brand new spurns that diligent quality of unworthy requires,» under that scorns. It is, yet not, possible that of energy are equivalent to «of minutes,» since e.g. inside the K. dos. several, «I’m not pleased you to eg an uncomfortable of energy Is look for an effective plaster because of the contemn’d revolt.»

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